Saturday, February 1, 2025

Blog Index


Strawberry Secrets
Growing Giant Peruvian Corn
Cardboard as Weed Barrier
Tips for Growing Peas


Stuffed Peppers
Potatoes, Broccoli, and Bacon
Beef with Onions, Pineapple, and BBQ Sauce


Meet the Cats
Meet the Sheep
Wildlife - Game cam pictures


Giant Mountain
Snow Sculpting

Frugality Tips

Saving on the Grocery Bill
Grocery prices comparison
Grocery Prices


Snake Rescue
Contemplations about time

Grocery Prices

 The frugal one in me always compares prices when grocery shopping. It's rare to find all the least expensive things in one store. Somethings are cheaper in one store and other things are cheaper in other stores. But, considering how far the stores are apart, it's cheaper in the end to buy everything at one store.

I went grocery shopping on Sunday, January 19, 2025

My plan is to note the prices of some items here. Those are items I buy often, so whenever I buy them, I will edit this post and add the price. I'll be looking at the same items, same brand, same store.

Sugar - Store brand - 10 pounds 
01/19/2025 - $8.17

All Purpose Flour - store brand - 10 pounds
01/19/2025 - $4.57

Whipped Topping - store brand - 8 ounces
01/19/2025 - $1.07

Whole milk - Store brand - 1 Gallon
01/19/2025 - $2.84

Angel hair half length - Store Brand - 1 pound (Half is the same price as full)
01/19/2025 - $0.98 

To be continued :)