Life just wouldn't be the same without cats. In the nearly 25 years I've been in the Adirondack region, I've had 3 cats. Mousti, Maxine, and Mona.
Mousti was a stray who invited herself in on a bitter cold winter night when she wasn't fully grown yet. The internet wasn't what it is today, there was no "Let me google and find out how to deal with a cat". I didn't have a litter box, and had to dig under the snow to find some half frozen soil that I put in a bucket. It worked. Mousti became my best friend. She died on June 27, 2013 at the blessed age of 18. It's been over 4 years now, and I still miss her every day. I had to exhume her after she had been buried for a month because some excavating had to be done in the spot where I had buried her. Now she has a nice resting place, adorned with flowers in summer.
Here is a picture of my queen.
After Mousti passed away, I said never again, but ended up with two cats, Mona and Maxine. Poor Maxine fell ill while I was in Europe, and passed away on April 4, 2017. She was an absolute sweetheart. We buried her next to Mousti, and we now call it M&M's grave.
Here's out Maxine, taking a nap in tomato land.
Now we are left with Mona. Mona is the perfect cat, she listens when we call, she's quiet, clean, loves to play, loves to catch mice, you cannot ask for a better cat.
Meet Mona:
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