The main reason why I plant flowers in my vegetable garden is to attract bees, but every year I am amazed by their true beauty. The flowers make me smile every time I go in the gardens.
Flowers are generally super easy to recycle seeds from so all it takes is the purchase of one seed package and it's like the gift that keeps on giving.
Sharing the beauty..
Love in a Mist. I discovered this flower last year after planting a seed mix. The seeds of Love in a Mist were easy to recycle but not very easy to germinate. Only 3 out of 10 seeds germinated. This is one of them.
California Poppy. The orange is lovely.
This is some kind of poppy, but I don't remember which one. I want to call it sloppy poppy for obvious reasons :)
The bees like it.
Delphinium, also loved by bees, butterflies and their families.
Here's a Frosted Salmon Poppy which closely resembles a Flemish Antique.
One of my all-time favorites: The Teddy Bear Sunflower.
Painted Daisies. The butterflies as well as the hummin bird moths are regular visitors.
Black Eyed Susans. They are grateful flowers because they bloom long, and they are downright beautiful. You'll see pansies, alyssum, and lavender ladies in the background.
Paradise can't be much better than this.
I'll post pictures of sunflowers soon; they are just starting to bloom now.